Up & Away! Hot Air Balloons Teacher Resource Pack, Key Stage 1
This pack provides a cross-curricular topic, based on the History National Curriculum suggestion of 'first aeroplane flight' for events beyond living memory, focussing on hot air balloons.
Lesson 1 - The timeline of flight
An historical exploration of flight, both man-made and natural, that helps children put the subjects into an historical context.
Lesson 2 - How hot air balloons fly
The science of flight, looking at how various natural creatures and man-made objects (including balloons) fly.
Lesson 3 - Pioneers of ballooning
The history of ballooning through six of its pioneers, from the Montgolfier brothers in 1783 to Steve Fossett in 2002.
Lesson 4 - Let's plan a hot air balloon flight
Creating a plan for an imaginary balloon flight, using geographical and sequencing skills to read maps and create a flight plan. Images and clips from a real balloon flight are provided.
Includes a classroom poster of the timeline of flight and an end-of-course quiz.