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Become a Friend of the BBM&L now
You can either download and complete a Membership Form or subscribe online at the bottom of this page.
UK Friends of the British Balloon Museum & Library pay an annual subscription of £15, and it is £18 for Friends overseas. You will receive regular issues of our journal, Trailrope , and one of the much-prized BBM&L lapel badges. There are Inflation Days when historic balloons are given an airing and a great Annual Luncheon. Most important is the knowledge that you are helping to save what could so easily be lost.
Friends may log in to gain access to private areas of the website. New users purchasing Membership for the first time through the website, are required to add Username and Password information on the Checkout page. You will then be able to login to the private areas of the website.
What we do
The history of hot air and gas ballooning is important and fascinating, but it is fast in danger of being lost. The BBM&L was formed in 1979 with the purpose of trying to preserve the many items associated with this very popular activity.
As a registered charity, it is run entirely by volunteers and is funded by subscriptions from Friends and donations.
We have saved about 200 historic balloons and built up a large collection of equipment such as balloon burners, baskets, instruments and a wide range of ballooning memorabilia such as stamps, posters, prints, cards, models, photographs, trophies, badges etc.
There is also a comprehensive collection of books, technical papers and magazines.
We have a display at Cameron Balloons in Bristol.
As a registered charity, the BBM&L may claim a tax refund through the HM Revenue & Customs 'Gift Aid' scheme, based on subscriptions from those Friends who are UK taxpayers. The Application Forms ask you to confirm that you pay UK tax and are agreeable to this.